Short-term programme for promoting the use of energy from renewable sources and biofuels in Varna Municipality 2021-2023
Contract: Development of a Short-term programme to promote the use of energy from renewable sources and biofuels on the territory of Varna Municipality 2021-2023 Contracting Authority: Varna Municipality, Varna District Contract date: 06.04.2021 Activities: 1) Defining the applicable regulations; 2) Preparation of a profile of Varna Municipality; 3) Defining the objective of the programme; 4) Determination of the opportunities for the use of renewable energy and biofuels for Varna Municipality; 5) Analysis of the implemented renewable energy projects in Varna Municipality until 2020; 6) Selection of specific measures and activities for the next three-year period. Source of funding: Municipal budget |
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